Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Quick Hello

Hello! and Welcome to my Blog!

I decided to make a blog to document my adventures, nothing great, but I am planning a Trip to Okinawa Next Year in October, so i figured this would be a fun place to share my travels and other outings i enjoy with my Friends.

This Trip to Okinawa will be especially exciting because my friend April ( also 2nd generation okinawan-american) will be joining me. Okinawa Holds a Huge festival every five years ,and all okinawans from all over the world would return for a month long celebration to embrace the okinawan people and their unique culture.

sadly i have heard that this next celebration will be the last, so i hope to make it especially special with my friend, who had not been back for quite a while. i already have a whole list of things i wanna do and places i wanna go. and things i NEED to buy LOL.

i decided that i would document this trip even more than my last trip 5 years ago. and share the wonders of Okinawa

on a side note i found a wonderful documentary on Okinawa and the last celebration by James Knott : , if the vids don't work there go here: , search Okinawa on his page

i highly recomend buying the dvd. he totally captured the beauty and history of okinawa and its a pretty good travel guide for those who wish to visit.

in my next post i think i'll dig up photo's of my last trip to okinawa.

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